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Merger with Impact Multi Academy Trust
We are delighted to confirm that Darrick Wood School will be merging with Impact Multi Academy Trust on the 1st April 2025. This follows an informal consultation with all stakeholders and completion of extensive due diligence by both Trusts. From the 1st April, Impact Multi Academy Trust will consist of five secondary and three primary schools, working in partnership to improve outcomes for children and young people in our local area.
The next step is to consult with our staff in relation to TUPE and we will continue to keep our staff and our wider school communities updated over the coming months.
Whilst available to view, the pages on this site are part of our new school website still under construction. Our current site can be found at:
Thursday, 23rd March at 7pm in the Main Hall
Tuesday, 28th March at 7pm in the Main Hall
The latest Parent Bulletin can be found here:
We provide the highest quality inclusive education founded on our three Core Values of Respect, Responsibility and Honesty and our Vision for Learning which promotes achievement for all. Our overall approach is underpinned by our motto, Revereor Vitam – to have a reverence, or respect for life.
Dr M J Airey, Head Teacher
We provide the highest quality inclusive education founded on our three Core Values of Respect, Responsibility and Honesty and our Vision for Learning which promotes achievement for all. Our overall approach is underpinned by our motto, Revereor Vitam – to have a reverence, or respect for life.
Dr M J Airey, Head Teacher
Darrick Wood School students are taught through the Darrick Wood School Vision for Learning, with five main pillars of focus for supporting learning: Progress, Challenge, Relationships, Engagement and Ownership.
Progress – Our teaching enables learners to become well qualified for their chosen careers and are committed to lifelong learning.
Ownership – Teachers create the conditions so that learners take responsibility for and shape the pathway of their own learning with the teacher acting as a facilitator.
Challenge – Learners are encouraged to deepen their thinking, take risks and develop strategies to increase resilience.
Relationships – The behaviour of learners is exemplary due to the high expectations instilled in them and respond positively to the School’s ethos of praise and reward.
Engagement – Teaching inspires learners to develop a thirst for knowledge beyond the classroom.
Our approach is encapsulated in what we call The Darrick Wood Way, which incorporates our core values of respect, responsibility and honesty, a vision for learning where everyone supports each other to achieve the best possible education. In short, and in accordance with the School’s motto, Revereor Vitam, we have a reverence for life.
Our motto and logo originate from the earliest days of the School opening in the 1970s.
To have a reverence or respect for life works as a basis for all we do at Darrick Wood on several levels.
Walk around the School site in the early hours and you will hear the birds, including woodpeckers and almost certainly come across other woodland creatures such as squirrels and foxes. The School’s setting, on the edge of the London Borough of Bromley means it is surrounded not only by residential areas but also by woodlands and fields where the local wildlife, including the lesser spotted woodpecker thrive, but only if London’s Greenbelt land continues to be protected and we have a respect for life and the environment.
It is said that the School’s first Head Teacher, Mr Turner, was keen to select the woodpecker as our logo since it was not only a reminder of the School’s setting but liked the idea that the woodpecker is an industrious bird that works hard to build its home. Working hard is something he felt was essential for educational success and we continue to emphasise this to this day.
When Ofsted visited the School in 2019, the inspectors noted that our pupils are impeccably dressed and proud of their uniform. Its distinctive colours certainly mean our pupils are noticed wherever they go and its origins have a 1970s feel (dark brown with ‘honey gold’).
The important thing is not the colour, but the logo, the motto and the fact our students dress smartly and are proud of their school.
Consultation Information
This informal consultation closed on Thursday, 18th July and we received responses from 10 respondents. These came from four parents, three members of staff, two union representatives and one unknown. We are now working with Impact Multi Academy Trust to review those responses and will be publishing a summary and a response in September.
Update 13/09/24 – Report on Consultation
Darrick Wood School
Lovibonds Avenue,
Kent, BR6 8ER
01689 850271