Deaf Centre

Darrick Wood School is host to the main provision in The London Borough of Bromley for Deaf students. Working with Darrick Wood School, the Sensory Support Service offers the opportunity for deaf students to enjoy the benefits of a mainstream education, supported by specialist staff.

Contact Details

The Deaf Centre may be contacted by email on

Visits, by appointment, are always welcomed from parents and prospective students.


Wherever possible, students follow the same curriculum as their hearing peers. Students will attend mainstream classes with support. However, they may be withdrawn for some subjects and taught in the Deaf Centre, depending on ability. There is the opportunity for our pupils to learn BSL and have Healthy Minds lessons.

Healthy Minds is a structured program that has been designed to meet the individual needs of the student based around the National Curriculum for PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) with an emphasis on Deaf Issues. When needed a specialist Counsellor for the Deaf is available.

BSL (British Sign Language) includes finger spelling, body language and communication and conversation skills.


Students attend tutorial sessions in the Deaf Centre for pre-teaching, to consolidate work or to benefit from specialist speech and language schooling. We also offer all students either Personalised Curriculum Support Tutorials (PCST) and Independent Learning Sessions (IDS) after school. These are used to target specific areas of learning and allow students to learn how to become independent learners.

Darrick Wood School is host to the main provision in The London Borough of Bromley for Deaf students. Working with Darrick Wood School, the Sensory Support Service offers the opportunity for deaf students to enjoy the benefits of a mainstream education, supported by specialist staff.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language therapy is offered to all students and an individual care plan is devised by a Speech and Language Therapist. This is then implemented by a therapist or our Speech and Language assistant who work closely together with the students both individually and in small groups. Typically, pupils will have one hour per week dedicated to Speech Therapy and several shorter sessions during tutorials. Speech therapy targets are incorporated into lesson planning.


Students’ hearing aids/cochlear implants are checked daily, and they are equipped with a radio aid system for use in lessons. Students may have access to other technology eg soundfields. All students will follow a programme to understand their Deafness and make them an independent advocator. All equipment is checked regularly, and we have established good links with the Audiology Departments at the various hospitals attended by our students.


Students are expected to complete homework the same as all pupils. However, the Deaf Centre staff are always on hand to clarify any work set and to offer additional help where needed.


At the Deaf Centre we are actively supporting the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.


Darrick Wood School
Lovibonds Avenue,
Kent, BR6 8ER

01689 850271