duke of edinburgh's award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an outstanding initiative aimed at 14 to 24 year olds.  It offers young people the opportunity to take part in a highly-regarded, challenging and fulfilling scheme which will not only benefit the awardees but their communities too.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an outstanding initiative aimed at 14- to 24-year-olds.  It offers young people the opportunity to take part in a highly regarded, challenging and fulfilling scheme which will not only benefit the awardees but their communities too.  

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was founded, and was patroned by Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh, in 1956.  During this time, the scheme has been dedicated to the personal development of young people from all backgrounds and is the widest reaching programme of any UK youth charity with 275,000 young people (30,000 are from disadvantaged backgrounds) taking part every year.   After the tragic loss of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, the DofE is more determined than ever to ensure his legacy lives on through the programme’s life-changing work. 

If you would like more information regarding DofE at Darrick Wood School contact us via email j.manning@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk 

If your child is in Year 10 (Bronze) or Year 12 (Gold) and you wish for them take part in DofE please read the DofE Guide for Parents and Carers, ask your child to collect a letter and registration form from Miss Manning or Mrs Bothick, complete it and return it back to them. 

DofE General Guide for Parents and Carers click here

DofE Programme Ideas click here

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an outstanding initiative aimed at 14 to 24 year olds.  It offers young people the opportunity to take part in a highly-regarded, challenging and fulfilling scheme which will not only benefit the awardees but their communities too.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an outstanding initiative aimed at 14- to 24-year-olds.  It offers young people the opportunity to take part in a highly regarded, challenging and fulfilling scheme which will not only benefit the awardees but their communities too.  

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was founded, and was patroned by Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh, in 1956.  During this time, the scheme has been dedicated to the personal development of young people from all backgrounds and is the widest reaching programme of any UK youth charity with 275,000 young people (30,000 are from disadvantaged backgrounds) taking part every year.   After the tragic loss of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, the DofE is more determined than ever to ensure his legacy lives on through the programme’s life-changing work. 

If you would like more information regarding DofE at Darrick Wood School contact us via email j.manning@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk 

If your child is in Year 10 (Bronze) or Year 12 (Gold) and you wish for them take part in DofE please read the DofE Guide for Parents and Carers, ask your child to collect a letter and registration form from Miss Manning or Mrs Bothick, complete it and return it back to them. 

DofE General Guide for Parents and Carers click here

DofE Programme Ideas click here

Which Award are you doing?

Click on the award you have enrolled on for more information about your trips, status, news and tips:



To achieve an award, you need to prove what activities you’ve been doing, show how you’ve processed, and you’ve met the goals you set for each section. 

 eDofE is an online system that means you can record your DofE programme and activities and prove what you’ve done in loads of different ways. To log in, please click here. 

Why do DofE?

Good question! Because, from the first day to the last it’s a real adventure.  Every section gives you something different – that’s the fun of it! You’ll enjoy loads of new experiences, discover talents you never thought you had, challenge yourself and meet loads of people just like you.  Plus you’ll do things you love and get a kick out of it!

Then there’s all the other stuff:

  • Achieving an award will give you skills, confidence and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and universities.
  • You’ll be getting recognised for doing things you want to do (and may even be doing already).
  • You’ll make a difference to other people’s lives and to your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime.

And above all, it’s great fun – the question should really be why wouldn’t you bother?!


Darrick Wood School
Lovibonds Avenue,
Kent, BR6 8ER

01689 850271
