
Results Days 2024

Year 13 Results Day is on Thursday 15th August 2024 – Results will be available for collection in person from the Main Hall from 9.00am onwards.

Year 11 Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August 2024 – Results will be available for collection in person from the Main Hall from 10.00am onwards.

Results will also be sent electronically to students, to their school email address, but these will not be sent or released until the afternoon of 15th and 22nd August respectively.

Information on collecting examination results

Results can only be collected by the students themselves unless they have nominated a representative to collect on their behalf.  To nominate a representative, students will need to email exams@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk with details before 15th August for A level/L3 students and 22nd August for GCSE/L2 students.  On Results Day the representative will need to bring the following:

  • their ID
  • a signed note with the written permission of the candidate
Results can also be posted to students if they provide a self addressed, stamped envelope prior to results days.  Results will not be posted until the end of the day on 15th and 22nd respectively.

Results Day - Pathways and Careers Guidance

Mrs Collier, Pathways and Work Experience Coordinator, will also be in school on Thursday, 17th August, Thursday, 24th August and Friday, 25th August should you wish to contact her directly at l.collier@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk for next steps related support and guidance to help with decision making during this time.


Additionally, Mrs Taylor, our Independent Careers Advisor, will be in school on Friday, 25th August providing an exam results helpline service from 9.30am until 1.00pm to enable students to seek support and guidance relating to results and pathway decision making including discussing alternative pathways if necessary. On the day, students should contact 01689 850 271 ext. 1019 to speak with Mrs Taylor directly, or email careers@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk to access support.

Important Information

Results Days 2024

Year 13 Results Day is on Thursday 15th August 2024 – Results will be available for collection in person from the Main Hall from 9.00am onwards. To view the Post-results deadlines, fees and charges please click here

Year 11 Results Day is on Thursday 22nd August 2024 – Results will be available for collection in person from the Main Hall from 10.00am onwards. To view the Post-results deadlines, fees and charges please click

Results will also be sent electronically to students, to their school email address, but these will not be sent or released until the afternoon of 15th and 22nd August respectively.

Information on collecting examination results

Results can only be collected by the students themselves unless they have nominated a representative to collect on their behalf.  To nominate a representative, students will need to email exams@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk from their school email account with the relevant details before 15th August for A level/L3 students and 22nd August for GCSE/L2 students.  On Results Day the representative will need to bring proof of their ID.

Results can also be posted to students if they provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope prior to results day.  Results will not be posted until the end of the day on 15th and 22nd August respectively.

Mrs Collier, Head of Work Related Learning, will be in school on Thursday, 22nd August and Friday, 23rd August. Should your child wish to contact Mrs Collier directly after collecting their results in order to seek support and guidance on next steps or to help with decision making during this time, they can speak to her in school or email her at l.collier@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk on these days.

Additionally, Mrs Taylor, our Independent Careers Advisor, will be in school on Thursday, 22nd August and Friday, 23rd August. We are providing an examination results helpline service on Friday, 23rd August from 9.30am until 1.00pm to enable students to seek support and guidance relating to results and pathway decision making, including discussing alternative pathways if necessary. On the day, students should contact 01689 850 271 ext. 1019 to speak with Mrs Taylor directly, email careers@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk to access support or contact Mrs Collier directly on 01689 850 271 ext. 1018.

Results Day - Pathways and Careers Guidance

Mrs Collier, Pathways and Work Experience Coordinator, will also be in school on Thursday, 15th August, Thursday, 22nd August and Friday, 23rd August should you wish to contact her directly at l.collier@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk for next steps related support and guidance to help with decision making during this time.


Additionally, Mrs Taylor, our Independent Careers Advisor, will be in school on Friday, 23rd August providing an exam results helpline service from 9.30am until 1.00pm to enable students to seek support and guidance relating to results and pathway decision making including discussing alternative pathways if necessary. On the day, students should contact 01689 850 271 ext. 1019 to speak with Mrs Taylor directly, or email careers@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk to access support.

To view the performance tables for Darrick Wood please click here

If you have any queries or questions about examinations please contact us on 01689 850271 or email exams@darrickwood.bromley.sch.uk


Darrick Wood School
Lovibonds Avenue,
Kent, BR6 8ER

01689 850271
