uniform & School equipment

Expectations of high standards are a key feature of a Darrick Wood education, something which is underpinned and outlined very clearly by our insistence on school uniform being worn appropriately and smartly at all times. Items that are not part of the school uniform may be confiscated (especially items such as jewellery). Students who have a need to wear something temporarily (e.g. trainers instead of school shoes due to a medical issue) must have a note in their planner from their parent which is then shown to their Form Tutor and Achievement Coordinator.

The School Rules specify that School uniform must be worn to and from school. Branded items such as shirts, blouses, blazers, ties, trousers and skirts must be purchased from the School’s uniform suppliers who will advise which items are Darrick Wood uniform.  Second hand uniform may also be worn, available from the PSFA who hold regular sales at the School.  There are two versions of our uniform from which to choose and some items can be worn with either uniform option:

Uniform A

  • Honey-gold blouse
  • Dark brown single-breasted cardigan or V-necked jumper with School logo in plain knit
  • Dark brown pleated skirt no shorter than knee length and worn with dark brown or fawn tights or brown or white socks
  • Dark brown trousers may be worn instead of the skirt, worn with dark brown, black or fawn socks.
  • The blouse and cardigan or V-necked jumper may be replaced with the honey-gold shirt worn with school tie and blazer with school badge

Uniform B

  • Honey-gold shirt worn with the school tie
  • Dark brown V-necked jumper in plain knit
  • Dark brown blazer with the school badge
  • Dark brown trousers
  • Dark brown, black or fawn socks

Uniform A & B

  • Hair bands, if worn, should be plain dark brown, black, gold, or white. Sensible, plain, dark brown or black leather shoes (not suede, moccasins or trainer style) with heels no higher than 3cm. Trainers may not be worn in school, except in PE or Drama lessons. Boots may not be worn.
  • Outerwear must be plain dark brown or black (without large logos) – leather coats will not be allowed A plain black or brown scarf may be worn
  • Science overall in white
  • Bags must be a plain colour and large enough to hold A4 books and folders
  • Optional items
  • An overall for Art and Pottery and a vinyl-coated apron for Food Technology

PE Kit

  • All PE kit, except socks, must have the School badge and should be purchased from our uniform suppliers:
  • Compulsory branded items for all pupils:
  • Black School T-shirt with badge
  • Black School shorts with badge
  • Yellow Football socks with black top and/or unbranded white sports socks
  • Compulsory, unbranded items for all pupils:
  • Trainers: pupils should have supportive sports trainers. Converse, Vans and other non-supportive trainers will not be allowed
  • Optional branded items:
  • Black tracksuit trousers with badge
  • Black leggings with badge
  • Black ¼ zip top with badge
  • Black School rugby shirt with badge
  • Other items required on occasions:
  • Football boots must not be blades but can be studded or moulded
  • Shin pads
  • Gum shield for Rugby during winter
Pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times (other than specified non-school uniform days) while:
  • On the school premises
  • Travelling to and from school
  • At out-of-school events or on trips that are organised by the School, or where they are representing the school (if required)

Pupils are also expected to contact their Achievement Coordinator if they want to request an amendment to the uniform policy in relation to their protected characteristics.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form students are expected to set a good example to the rest of the School and must dress according to the guidelines set out below.

Basic Principle

In interpreting the guidelines, students should ensure that their overall appearance is smart and appropriate to both a school and a formal business environment. It is by discretion of the Senior Leadership Team as to whether a student’s dress is deemed smart.  

Identification Badges

The identification badge must be worn using the Darrick Wood School lanyard.  Badges are also required as proof of entry to external examinations.  Lost badges must be replaced and will be charged for.

Dress Code Requirements

  • Formal suit – tailored jacket with tailored full-length trousers or skirt of at least knee length, in a subtle colour.
  • Shirt with tie or formal blouse. 
  • Plain jumpers, cardigans or waistcoats are permitted under the jacket.
  • Tailored dresses may be worn with a suit jacket.
  • Socks or plain tights.
  • Smart formal shoes.

Unacceptable Items

  • Sheer, low-cut, or ‘strappy’ tops with bare shoulders
  • ‘Strappy’ dresses
  • T-shirts
  • Sweatshirts/tracksuit attire including hoodies
  • Denim attire of any colour
  • Leather-type bomber/biker jackets
  • Shorts
  • Dungarees
  • Leggings/jeggings
  • Large or bulky jumpers/cardigans
  • Graphics or large logos on clothes
  • Hats or caps
  • Trainers, sports shoes e.g. Converse, Vans etc
  • Ugg boots
  • Sandals/flip-flops
  • Dr Marten boots or similar
  • Obtrusive jewellery including large hoop earrings
  • Excessive facial piercings (only one subtle facial piercing allowed if a small clear stud is used)
  • Ear spacers
  • Visible body art such as tattoos
  • Unnatural hair colour or outlandish hairstyles
  • Beards or other facial hair must be kept neat and groomed

School Equipment

It is important to arrive at School ready to learn and this entails ensuring that pupils have the relevant equipment to hand. Pupils will need a large plain dark school bag which can hold two A4 folders.  It must be able to close e.g. with a zip.  Handbags or sports bags are not suitable. PE Kit should be carried in a separate bag.

Each day pupils should bring with them the following items:

  • A pencil case containing:
  • Pens and pencils.  Pupils need blue, black, red and purple pens.

Red pens are used for response to feedback and purple pens are used for peer feedback

  • Sharpener, rubber, ruler
  • Coloured pencils, glue stick, scissors (optional but useful).

Also required are:

  • A reading book
  • A re-usable water bottle which they can re-fill from our dispensers
  • Pupil planner
  • A scientific calculator
  • Lab coat / PE Kit (as appropriate for the timetable)
  • Locker key
  • ID badge on school provided lanyard (worn at all times around the School).
  • Exercise books and text books as provided for the day’s lessons according to the timetable

Please note – correction fluid (e.g. TipEx) is not permitted in school.


Darrick Wood School
Lovibonds Avenue,
Kent, BR6 8ER

01689 850271
